Software Engineer with a passion for building delightful user interfaces. Front-end focused, but full-stack capable.

Selected projects

Liftoff Dashboard


Liftoff — Experiential Demo

Moving the "ah-ha" moment closer to the user. Built with NextJS and TailwindCSS. Transcoding with FFmpeg, transcription with Whisper, feedback with OpenAI.

Liftoff Web App


Liftoff — AI Feedback Platform

Full-stack web application for AI feedback on mock tech interviews. Built with NextJS/TailwindCSS/Postgres and Redis for rate-limiting.

Bundl Dashboard


Bundl Marketing

Influencer marketplace with a total audience reach of 50+ million users. Built with Ruby/Postgres/Redis. Project included 100+ screens, custom RubyGems, Machine Learning for recommendations.

Thanks for checking my portfolio out!

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